My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Self-described “couch potato” trades fast food for fast feet

Who hasn't flopped on the couch with the remote in one hand, and a pint of ice cream in the other? But what happens when that becomes the norm?

Jennifer Guyton of Cape Coral, Fla., would say that's the definition of a couch potato. She should know. After a lifetime of struggling with her weight, she rarely had the energy or motivation for activities. Instead, she'd hang around the house and eat junk food. She eventually tipped the scales at 230 pounds.

The worst part: This routine wasn't fair to her two children, ages 15 and 5, because she didn't want to leave the house. Her kids never went to the pool or park. She didn't even have the energy to play with them at home.

Jennifer knew she had to change, and set a healthy example for her children. She tried several diet programs, without much success. Undaunted, when she heard about L A Weight Loss, she signed up at her local Fort Myers center.

There Jennifer learned how to incorporate vegetables, fruits, and lean protein into her diet, while cutting back on junk food, breads, and pastas.

With help from her personal L A Weight Loss counselors, Jennifer stuck to this healthy regimen. The pounds started dropping, and before long, Jennifer hit her goal weight of 162 pounds!

Jennifer felt so good with her new physique, she took it on the road -- literally -- and started to run. Gradually, she worked up to running three miles ... then six ... then nine, three days a week. She combined that with a bike ride four days a week.

It gets better. Jennifer ran her first 15K in April. Final time: 1 hour, 44 minutes. Now she's preparing for her first half-marathon in January. Once that's behind her, Jennifer will tackle a triathlon!

Chasing the runner's high has put Jennifer in excellent shape, and given her a special gift: the energy and strength to play with her children. No more couch potatoes here! Great job, Jennifer.

Here's Jennifer at a spuddish 230 pounds:

And here she is at a zippy 162! You've reached the finish line, Jennifer! Congrats!


Name: Jennifer Guyton
Hometown: Cape Coral, Fla.
Age: 34
Height: 5'5"

Starting weight: 230 pounds
Goal weight: 162 pounds
Current weight: 162 pounds
Program start date: February 2006

Favorite food: Sweets, though she rarely eats them now.

Biggest temptation: Junk food such as cake and donuts.

Biggest motivator: Getting encouragement from her kids.

Biggest obstacle: Finding time to exercise while working full time and caring for two children.

Old eating philosophy: Eating whatever she wanted, and buying whatever looked good at the grocery store.

New eating philosophy: Steering clear of chips, junk food, and greasy food, and enjoying vegetables instead.

Best thing about losing weight: Increasing her activity and energy levels, and playing with her kids.

Best weight loss secret learned: Don’t get frustrated. Slip-ups are not permanent!

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