My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Sweet Adeline drops sweets, grabs the mic

Imagine standing on a stage under a hot spotlight. Your makeup is applied, your voice is warmed up, and you're ready to go -- but all you can think about is how heavy you look in your sequined costume.

That's what Bonnie Buffington of Billings, Mont., thought every time she stepped on stage with the Sweet Adelines, a women's barbershop group. The feeling was hardly new. Bonnie struggled with weight since she was a child, eating oversized portions and not getting enough exercise.

Then her mother passed away when she was 11. Food became Bonnie's comfort whenever she felt sad or alone. It didn't help later when she married a rancher, and became head cook for ALL the workers, plus her family of four.

Feeding six to 12 people, three times a day, required truckloads of pasta, bread, potatoes, pies, cakes, and sweets -- anything that could be made easily in huge quantities. And with so many mouths to feed, Bonnie rarely escaped the kitchen, and ended up eating big portions just like the ranchers.

Before long, Bonnie ballooned to 329 pounds. She became too embarrassed to take pictures with her family or Sweet Adeline group. And while her outside appearance was friendly and happy, deep down she had low self-esteem.

Bonnie tried several different diets, but lacked the discipline to make them stick. Then an L A Weight Loss center opened in her town, so she stopped in one day after work.

She was immediately impressed by personal counselor Heather, who was friendly, kind, and ready to help. Bonnie signed up right away, and committed herself to losing weight.

The counselors taught her how to eat a variety of food in the proper balance and portions, so Bonnie never felt deprived. Her new menu included fruit, vegetables, chicken, and steak. She started cooking differently too, and grilled or baked food instead of frying it.

Plus, weighing in every week reinforced her initial commitment, and kept her motivated to drop the pounds. She also added exercise to her routine, joining a women's gym and walking three times a week.

The powerful combination of diet and activity was the silver bullet: Bonnie lost a whopping 120 pounds in under two years!

Now, her positive attitude and self-esteem are sky-high. Bonnie draws on her newfound energy and happiness to enjoy time with her granddaughter, and go shopping with her daughters-in-law for bright outfits and jewelry.

The best part: She finally has the confidence to enjoy the limelight with her fellow Sweet Adelines -- two of whom also joined L A Weight Loss after seeing her success! Now that deserves a standing ovation. Keep up the great work, Bonnie!

Here's the rancher's wife at a not-so-jolly 329 pounds:

And look at her now at 209 pounds! Bravo, Bonnie!


Name: Bonnie Buffington
Hometown: Billings, Mont.
Age: 57
Height: 5'8"

Starting weight: 329 pounds
Goal weight: 180 pounds
Current weight: 209 pounds
Program start date: September 2005

Favorite food: Steak.

Biggest temptation: Chocolate.

Biggest motivator: Seeing her weight drop.

Biggest obstacle: Avoiding the junk food at parties, get-togethers, and BBQs.

Old eating philosophy: Eating everything around her.

New eating philosophy: Eating the healthy stuff, and drinking lots of water.

Best thing about losing weight: Having higher self-esteem.

Best weight loss secret learned: There are no secrets! Just stick to the program, and it will work.

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