My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Sharon Rutti sheds a lifetime of bad habits

Old habits aren't the only ones that die hard. So do bad habits. And when a bad habit like overeating sticks with somebody their entire life, it's unlikely they'll kick the tendency. But don't tell that to Sharon Rutti.

Weight was a problem for Sharon since childhood. She knew she had bad eating habits, but lacked the willpower to change them. Sharon's philosophy: Eat anything, any time.

As a result, her weight climbed each year. By the time Sharon reached 60, she weighed 352 pounds. Breathing was difficult, and she could do little else besides sit in a chair all day. Sharon also suffered from dangerously high blood pressure and arthritic knees.

She tried a number of diets -- and even had her stomach stapled. But still the weight came back. Nothing taught her proper nutrition, so her bad eating habits continued, even though Sharon knew her weight was killing her.

Desperate for change, she joined her local Nainamo, British Columbia, L A Weight Loss center in January 2006. Sharon worked closely with her personal weight loss counselor, Genedine, who taught her portion control as the key to a healthy diet.

Sharon was soon eating in moderation. She found that by monitoring her portions and eating a number of small meals throughout the day, she was able to overcome her toughest cravings. Sharon also cut back on fast food, fried food, and bread, while adding fruits and vegetables.

Since joining L A Weight Loss, Sharon has lost 110 pounds -- halfway to her weight loss goal of 130 pounds! At 242 pounds, Sharon has already changed her life dramatically. She can now do everyday activities with ease, and loves to fish, camp, and play with her grandson.

Sharon's health has improved, too. Her blood pressure dramatically decreased, and her arthritis is less painful. She even has the energy to swim and do aqua exercises at her community pool.

Best of all, Sharon's new weight has given her a more positive outlook on life. She's much happier, and knows she's taken an important step to living longer.

Sharon has shown everyone it's never too late to change your life. Way to go, Sharon! Keep up the good work!

Here's Sharon before at 352 pounds:

And here she is today at 242 pounds. Halfway there, Sharon! Keep it up!


Name: Sharon Rutti
Hometown: Nanaimo, British Columbia, Canada
Age: 62
Height: 5'3"

Starting weight: 352 pounds
Goal weight: 130 pounds
Current weight: 242 pounds
Program start date: January 2006

Favorite food: Fruit.

Biggest temptation: Resisting sweets and bread.

Biggest motivator: Getting support from her family.

Biggest obstacle: Breaking through the plateau.

Old eating philosophy: Eating as much as she wanted, whenever she wanted.

New eating philosophy: Eating healthier, and knowing when she's satisfied.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling good about herself.

Best weight loss secret learned: If you eat properly, you can be satisfied without cheating.

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