My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Monday, February 05, 2007

The mother of all surprises

When Linda Martin's husband and son shipped off for Iraq last July, she started a covert operation of her own: to surprise her boys with a slimmer figure when they returned home.

Linda laid out her attack plan three days before they left. She joined L A Weight Loss on July 12th, and said her goodbyes on the 15th. Then she went to work paring down her 236-pound body.

This was a big change for Linda, who's struggled with her weight since she was a teen. The problem got worse when she was diagnosed with Graves disease in 1996, and had her thyroid removed. Despite her doctor's pleas, Linda kept gaining weight that she couldn't lose.

As Linda's weight went up, her self esteem and energy went down. She'd run out of breath climbing stairs, and circle parking lots a dozen times to find a spot near the door.

She also avoided unwanted attention. For example, the idea of buying a new dress for an upcoming military ball horrified her. She was relieved when her husband told her they weren't going.

Linda hoped the L A Weight Loss program would be her ticket to a better life when she joined last July. She hasn't been disapointed. So far Linda's lost 50 pounds -- 30 pounds shy of her goal weight of 156 pounds!

She's gained a lot in the process. She now volunteers with a military family support group. And she makes it a point to park far away from the door when shopping.

Linda's husband and son are expected to return stateside in the next few days. They know she's been losing weight and getting healthy, but they haven't seen her since they left for Iraq.

We'll be sure to update you on their reunion, and we hope to have some great photos to share as well!

Here's Linda before, at 236 pounds:

And the new Linda, at 186 pounds:


Name: Linda Martin
Hometown: Aiea, Hawaii
Age: 45

Starting weight: 236 pounds
Goal weight: 156 pounds
Current weight: 186 pounds
Program start date: July 12, 2006

Biggest temptation: Chips and chocolate.

Biggest motivator: Surprising her husband and son upon their return from Iraq.

Biggest obstacle: Gaining the confidence to know she could lose the weight.

Old eating philosophy: Giving in to every craving, and eating whatever she wanted.

New eating philosophy: Eating the right portion sizes to control the amount of food she eats.

Best thing about losing weight: When she talks to her dad on the phone, he says she "sounds lighter."

Best weight loss secret learned: Take it one day at a time. Don't be discouraged if you gain half a pound. Stay on the program, and it'll eventually come off.

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