My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

The perfect wedding dress, in the not-so-perfect size

Many women keep an old pair of "skinny jeans" around as motivation to lose weight. But it’s not often women buy wedding dresses six sizes too small, then challenge themselves to fit in to them.

But Paula Ray did just that. The 43-year-old bride-to-be searched high and low before she fell in love with the perfect wedding dress. The good news: It was on sale for $99. The bad news: It was a size 6, and she wore a size 12.

Growing up, Paula never had a weight issue. It was only after she gave birth to her daughter, Amber Rose, that she starting gaining weight.

That was 26 years ago. She’d been trying to control her weight ever since. And when Paula quit smoking 12 years ago, the situation worsened, as she replaced cigarettes with food.

Then, in 1997, she saw promotional pictures of herself taken for her DJ business. Seeing what she looked like at 157 pounds made Paula realize she had to do something. She tried all the latest fad diets, but the weight kept coming back.

Enter John, the man Paula would marry. John proposed to Paula in 2004, and when she found the perfect dress -- but in half her size -- she joined L A Weight Loss for help.

Paula needed to hit her weight goal of 126 pounds and lose 4 inches to zip up her dress ... which is exactly what she did! She was quite the blushing bride as she walked down the aisle comfortably in her size 6 dress in February 2005.

Her family and friends have noticed a big change in Paula, too. She’s come out of her shell, and is more vibrant and full of life than ever.

Way to go Paula!!

Here is Paula at 157 pounds:

And here she is at a svelte 124 pounds. Fantastic job, Paula!


Name: Paula Ray
Hometown: Minneapolis
Age: 43
Height: 5’6"

Starting weight: 157 pounds
Goal weight: 125 pounds
Current weight: 124 pounds
Program start date: September 2004

Favorite food: Pizza.

Favorite L A Weight Loss recipe: Jambalaya.

Biggest temptation: Chocolate ice cream.

Biggest motivator: Fitting into her size 6 wedding dress.

Biggest obstacle: Finding the motivation to exercise.

Old eating philosophy: Heaping portions of pizza, fettuccine, donuts, and chocolate ice cream.

New eating philosophy: Healthy servings of shrimp, salads, fruits, vegetables, and sugar-free applesauce.

Best thing about losing weight: Raising her self-esteem, and fitting into her size 6 wedding dress in time for the big day.

Best weight loss secret learned: Look for little ways to add extra exercise into your day. At work, Paula walks to the water fountain on another floor, rather than use the one near her office.

UPDATE: Paula just sent us photos from her wedding. Check out how stunning she looks in that size 6 dress!

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