My L A Weight Loss Diary

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Thursday, April 19, 2007

Wisconsin couple tosses 132 pounds overboard

For Craig and Pam Sabee of Appleton, Wisc., sailing is a big part of their life. But it was no longer fun when they gained so much weight, they had trouble maintaining their balance while walking the deck in rocky waters.

Weight had always been an issue for Pam. As a teenager, her weight was in constant flux. She tried several diets, but always gained the weight back, felt hungry, or had to eat unappetizing foods. She also had a hypothyroid, which slowed her metabolism, causing additional gain weight.

For Craig, it was married life that started his weight troubles. He and Pam loved to cook. And cook. And cook some more. The pounds just added up.

Then Craig was diagnosed with rectal lymphoma. He underwent chemotherapy, and had his large intestine removed. While his doctors were doing some follow-up blood work, they discovered Craig also had high blood sugar levels, and was borderline diabetic.

This news was the last straw for the couple. Pam was up to 167 pounds, and Craig to 247 pounds. They knew they had to do something about their weight, so they decided to join L A Weight Loss in February 2006.

The Sabees learned to eat healthy foods in proper portions, and supplemented their eating plan with L A Lite bars. By Christmas, Pam lost 45 pounds, and Craig lost 87 pounds -- for a combined 132-pound weight loss!

Now Pam isn't tempted by Big Mac commercials anymore, and eats lots of fiber-rich foods, such as dates and unsalted almonds. And Craig no longer goes for the buttered popcorn for a snack, instead opting for vegetables and fresh fruit. Plus, Pam's thyroid is stabilized, and Craig's blood sugar level is normal.

The couple exercises much more now too, something they wouldn't have dreamed of doing when they were at their heaviest. Now when they go sailing, they have no trouble balancing themselves on the deck when the waters get rough.

Craig also runs outdoors regularly, while Pam walks five to six miles every day on her treadmill. They feel like there's nothing they can't do -- and at 132 pounds lighter, it looks like smooth sailing from here on out!

The couple before, Pam at 167 pounds, and Craig at 247 pounds:

And the happy couple after: Craig at 160 pounds, Pam at 122 pounds. Looking better than ever, guys!


Name: Craig Sabee
Hometown: Appleton, Wisc.
Age: 61
Height: 5'9”

Starting weight: 247 pounds
Goal weight: 185 pounds
Current weight: 160 pounds
Program start date: Feb. 1, 2006

Favorite food: Vegetables.

Biggest temptation: Buttered popcorn.

Biggest motivator: Wanting to lower his blood sugar level, and gaining more energy to sail.

Biggest obstacle: Buying junk food at movie theaters.

Old eating philosophy: Eating greasy foods.

New eating philosophy: Enjoying fiber-rich foods and lots of fresh produce.

Best thing about losing weight: Having energy to sail and run.

Best weight loss secret learned: Don't get discouraged if you reach a plateau in your weight loss. You can have success with determination and healthy eating habits.

Name: Pam Sabee
Hometown: Appleton, Wisc.
Age: 54
Height: 5'5”

Starting weight: 167 pounds
Goal weight: 135 pounds
Current weight: 122 pounds
Program start date: Feb. 1, 2006

Favorite foods: Unsalted almonds, dates, crackers, and hummus.

Biggest temptation: Potato chips.

Biggest motivator: Getting healthier with Craig so they can have more energy for daily activities.

Biggest obstacle: Tuning out when a Big Mac commercial comes on.

Old eating philosophy: Consuming high-fat and low-fiber foods.

New eating philosophy: Eating lots of high-fiber foods and fresh produce, and snacking on crackers and hummus.

Best thing about losing weight: Having more energy and strength to sail.

Best weight loss secret learned: It's easier to get over your temptations than you might think. And once you do, you'll find you don't even miss them!

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