My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Fargo native forgoes flab for fab

Quitting smoking is great for your health, right? Of course it is -- although many turn to food as a replacement. But eating the wrong foods and gaining weight comes with its own set of health issues.

That's what happened to Marla Eggen of Fargo, N.D. Though Marla struggled with weight all her life, she packed on 75 extra pounds after she quit smoking, and hit a scale-tilting 325 pounds.

In the midst of this weight gain, Marla received two very different pieces of news: Her younger son was getting married within a year, and she was diagnosed with diabetes.

That was enough to convince her to get some help, and become the healthiest, fittest mother of the groom she could be.

Marla had tried every diet under the sun -- hypnosis, pills, even a sunflower-seed diet. She knew that this time around, she needed a well-balanced approach to weight loss.

On a coworker's recommendation, Marla decided to check out L A Weight Loss. She immediately liked the emphasis on real foods and gradual weight loss, plus the one-on-one support from her counselors Sue and Deb.

Under their guidance, Marla moved away from buying salty fried foods and drinking soda, and started eating fresh vegetables and fruits, and drinking water.

She also began exercising on her treadmill at home, going from only .15 miles to a full mile daily, six days a week. (Marla has noticed that the more weight she loses, the faster she walks, so she plans to ramp up the speed!)

Now, after losing 136 pounds (!!), Marla is not only lighter, but also more flexible. She can easily get in and out of the bathtub, tie her shoes, and stay energetic throughout the day.

Even better, she was able to stop her diabetes medication after losing 100 pounds! And best of all, she walked down the aisle at her son's wedding as a healthy woman. Marvelous job, Marla!

Check out Marla at 325 pounds before she joined the program ...

And behold the transformation! Here she is at 189 pounds. Great work, Marla!


Name: Marla Eggen
Hometown: West Fargo, N.D.
Age: 48
Height: 5’6”

Starting weight: 325 pounds
Goal weight: 140 pounds
Current weight: 192 pounds
Program start date: March 2005

Favorite food: Chicken.

Biggest temptation: Fried food.

Biggest motivator: Getting in shape before her son's wedding.

Biggest obstacle: Maintaining her commitment to the plan.

Old eating philosophy: Super-sizing everything, and picking up fast food for breakfast.

New eating philosophy: Choosing vegetables, fruit, chicken, and fish over breaded foods and soda.

Best thing about losing weight: Going off her diabetes medication entirely, and shopping for fashionable clothes in her new size!

Best weight loss secret learned: Watch your portion sizes, reduce your sodium intake, and drink a lot of water.

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