My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Friday, August 03, 2007

Jan Aitchison breaks the food chain

Workaholics are chained to their desk. Prisoners are chained to the wall. Overweight people are chained to food. Case in point is Jan Aitchison of Victoria, British Columbia.

The pounds started to add up when Jan got married in 1996, and her weight peaked when she divorced in 2005. Jan ate when stressed, and often ate out, and ate at odd hours.

She always chose pasta, bread, beer, and other foods high in sugar, fat, and salt. Her sweet tooth had her eating a lot of chocolate. Her motto: "Life gets in the way of dieting!"

Soon, Jan's weight soared to 215 pounds. While heart conditions ran in her family, Jan luckily didn't have any problems. She did, however, have chronic back pain. She was also insecure and had low self-confidence.

Exercise and fad diets weren't working for her, because she couldn't let go of carbs. Then she heard about L A Weight Loss's customized eating plans, one-on-one counseling, and portion control. It sounded like a weight loss plan that could work for Jan, and she decided to give it a try.

She spoke to the weight loss counselors, signed up, and committed herself to the program. Jan started eating less comfort foods, carbs, sugar, and salt. She also read nutrition labels, and ate a lot of salads and vegetables. And L A Lite bars satisfied her chocolate cravings!

Thanks to this simple plan, Jan dropped three pounds a week, and never felt deprived or hungry. Plus, the L A Weight Loss counselors supplied the one-on-one support she needed to stay focused.

Jan quickly reached her goal weight of 180, but kept going because she was on a great pace. Now she's lost 50 pounds, and weighs 165!

She feels fabulous and sexy, loves shopping, and wears bikinis, short shorts, and tank tops with confidence. And, with less back pain, she's improved her golf game, and started Pilates.

Friends and family tell her she looks great, boosting her attitude tremendously. She feels 10 years younger!

Jan's advice for others chained to food is talk to the L A Weight Loss counselors. That's what they're there for.

L A Weight Loss threw Jan's old motto out the door. Now she says she's free to live! Great to hear, Jan! Way to go!

This is the stressed-out Jan before, at 215 pounds:

And check her out today! Nothing will hold down the 165-pound Jan now! Congrats!


Name: Jan Aitchinson
Hometown: Victoria, British Columbia
Age: 41
Height: 5'10"

Starting weight: 215 pounds
Goal weight: 180 pounds
Current weight: 165 pounds
Program start date: October 2005

Favorite food: Peanut butter.

Biggest temptation: Bacon.

Biggest motivator: Getting personal satisfaction from losing weight.

Biggest obstacle: None! With a lot of family and friends supporting her, the program was easy.

Old eating philosophy: Indulging in sweets, chips, burgers, pasta, beer, and wine.

New eating philosophy: Having foods that are low in sugar, fat, and salt.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling fabulous.

Best weight loss secret learned: Salt affects your body more than you might think.

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