My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Iere Collins falls off the weight gain wagon

Growing up is difficult enough without tacking on sudden weight gain in the middle of adolescence, and things certainly don't get easier. Just ask Iere-Anne Collins.

Weight was a problem for her during most of her life. When she was 12 years old, she had a tumor removed from one of her ovaries. The drastic physical change made her gain 40 pounds following surgery.

From there, it only got worse. Her family, most of whom were also overweight, didn't encourage healthy eating habits. Instead, fast food, fried food, and take-out were daily staples of Iere's diet. She ate too many carbohydrates, drank too much soda, and rarely incorporated fruits and vegetables into her meals.

The more weight Iere gained, the more depressed she became. And the more depressed she became, the more she ate. Iere was caught in a vicious weight-gain cycle that continued into her twenties.

Iere's weight exacerbated her asthma, and walking up the steps was difficult. She suffered from high blood pressure, joint pain, and two herniated discs in her back. Her weight also put her at risk for diabetes, which runs in her family.

Then Iere moved to Indiana for college, where she landed in the hospital multiple times for shortness of breath and overheating. She was carrying too much weight for her lungs to bear.

The last time Iere was released from the hospital, she decided she wasn't going to live that way any more. She tried a number of diets, but nothing worked. Finally, in February 2005, she joined her local Winnepeg, Manitoba, L A Weight Loss Center.

Iere was paired with a personal weight loss counselor who helped her make adjust her diet. She split her three large meals into six smaller meals daily. She increased her intake of fruits, vegetables, lean meats, and water, and cut out her fried food affinity. And she learned the most important weight loss tip of all: portion control.

Since joining L A Weight Loss, Iere has dropped 108 pounds! At 171 pounds, she's only six pounds away from her weight loss goal of 165 pounds.

Iere's entire life has changed. Almost all of her medical problems have subsided. She can now do things she never could before, such as running and working out at the gym. And she has plenty of energy to take care of her one-year-old son.

Iere's self-esteem has dramatically increased too. Now she loves herself inside and out. She enjoys shopping, and can fit into cute clothes she would have never dreamed of wearing two years ago.

Iere's weight loss success story inspired her aunt to join L A Weight Loss too. Way to go, Iere! We're proud of you, and best of luck to your aunt!

Here's Iere at 279 pounds:

And here she is today, looking great at 171 pounds. Great job, Iere!


Name: Iere-Anne Collins
Hometown: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Age: 24
Height: 5'6"

Starting weight: 279 pounds
Goal weight: 165 pounds
Current weight: 171 pounds
Program start date: February 2005

Favorite food: Chocolate.

Biggest temptation: Asian food.

Biggest motivator: Staying active for her one-year-old son.

Biggest obstacle: Resisting the temptation to get take-out.

Old eating philosophy: Eating for emotional comfort.

New eating philosophy: Eating as healthy as possible because you are what you eat.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling free.

Best weight loss secret learned: Break up your meals into more frequent, smaller portions.

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