My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Thursday, November 08, 2007

Texas couple team up for combined weight loss challenge

For a marriage to work, husbands and wives must work well together. And many couples work so well together, they adopt one another's habits, likes, and dislikes. That's a wonderful relationship -- unless, of course, you're talking about bad eating habits.

That's the problem Elsa and Carlos Cavazos faced. Married for 29 years, Elsa and Carlos did everything together. They started a home, raised their children, and shared everything ... including their unhealthy eating habits.

Elsa had never struggled with her weight before. She was small throughout adolescence and into adulthood. Plus, being constantly on the move with her young children kept her active.

But when Elsa reached her 30s and 40s, her lifestyle slowed down, and so did her metabolism. She was no longer chasing her children around the house, and her job at the U.S. Air Force training center sat her behind a desk all day.

Elsa's affinity for salty and high-calorie foods didn't help. She was the potato chip queen. She rarely cooked healthy meals, and ate fried foods and chips instead.

Her husband Carlos was in the same boat. He never worried about his weight when he was younger, but gradually gained pounds after their wedding. As the years stretched on, his waistline stretched out. Carlos always helped himself to multiple servings of everything Elsa cooked, which was usually Mexican food high in sodium and calories.

Their weights made them feel sluggish. Elsa and Carlos never had any energy to do anything together after work. Their clothes fit them uncomfortably, they were winded walking up their stairs, and they hated lugging around their extra pounds.

One year, Elsa and Carlos had appointments for their routine physicals around the same time. Elsa's cholesterol was dangerously high for someone her size. Carlos also had high cholesterol, and suffered from knee pain. He had a high level of liver enzymes as well, making him susceptible to diabetes later in life. Their doctors gave the same prescription: lose weight.

Elsa and Carlos decided their doctors were right. So in April 2006, they signed up at the San Antonio, Texas, L A Weight Loss center, determined to get healthy together. They worked with their personal weight loss counselors, and set goals for their ideal weights.

Elsa and Carlos learned valuable lessons from their counselors, who taught them the trick to a healthy diet, and the importance of portion control. They added fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean meats to their meals, and cut out starches.

Now, when Elsa cooked dinner, she included lots of vegetables, poultry, and fish. And the grocery cart was no longer filled with potato chips and other junk, unless Elsa was enjoying them in moderation.

And at the dinner table, Carlos no longer kept coming back for more. He stuck to proper portions, and ate multiple times throughout the day.

Before they knew it, the pounds starting dropping. Since joining L A Weight Loss, Elsa and Carlos have lost 83 pounds! Elsa went from 143 pounds to 117 pounds -- just two pounds away from her goal weight. And Carlos is weighing in at 208 pounds, compared to his original 265 pounds. He's also getting close to his goal of 185 pounds.

Their health problems have subsided, and they have much more energy. Neither Elsa nor Carlos feel sluggish at work anymore, and they still have energy left over when they get home. Plus, they love the compliments they receive from friends and family.

Even better, getting healthy is a family affair for the Cavazos. Thanks to Elsa's new cooking style, their children are enjoying the benefits of a healthy diet, too.

But for Elsa and Carlos, the best thing about losing weight is feeling closer to each other. Working together and losing weight as a team made their relationship stronger than ever. They loved the feeling of accomplishment, and used each other as motivation.

Elsa and Carlos still do everything together, but they've replaced their habit of sharing bad eating tendencies to sharing romantic evening walks. Just another benefit from their L A Weight Loss experience. Way to go, Elsa and Carlos! We're proud of you!

Here's Elsa at 143 pounds and Carlos at 265 pounds, before joining L A Weight Loss:

And here they are now at 117 pounds and 208 pounds. Looking good, kids!


Name: Elsa Cavazos
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Age: 48
Height: 5'1"

Starting weight: 143 pounds
Goal weight: 115 pounds
Current weight: 117 pounds
Program start date: April 2006

Favorite food: Fried chicken.

Biggest temptation: Potato chips.

Biggest motivator: Losing weight with Carlos, and seeing the pounds come off.

Biggest obstacle: Staying within the plan and not cheating, and eating the right foods.

Old eating philosophy: Eating many fried food and carbs.

New eating philosophy: Eating grilled instead of fried, and loading up on vegetables.

Best thing about losing weight: Fitting into a size 4.

Best weight loss secret learned: You can still eat potato chips and lose weight!

Name: Carlos Cavazos
Hometown: San Antonio, Texas
Age: 49
Height: 5'8"

Starting weight: 265 pounds
Goal weight: 185 pounds
Current weight: 208 pounds
Program start date: April 2006

Favorite food: Everything on the dinner table.

Biggest temptation: More servings.

Biggest motivator: Watching Elsa lose weight, and hit her goal weight.

Biggest obstacle: Being tempted to have second servings.

Old eating philosophy: Eating anything in sight.

New eating philosophy: Eating grilled chicken and vegetables.

Best thing about losing weight: Watching his waistline shrink.

Best weight loss secret learned: You can still eat the foods you love while you lose weight.

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