My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

From clean plate to clean slate

For many people struggling with their weight, "cleaning your plate" has been an all-too-familiar phrase. It's been a major reason their weight has increased over the years. Just ask Kathy Bracher.

As a kid, Kathy didn't get regular exercise, and knew little about healthy eating habits. She was part of the "clean plate club," as she calls it. She and her three younger siblings ate everything that was put in front of them.

She took those habits into adulthood. When she topped out at 288 pounds, Kathy knew she needed help. She wanted to try weight loss her own way, but wasn't sure where to begin. At the advice of her husband, she gave L A Weight Loss a try.

She worked with a one-on-one weight loss counselor, who adjusted her eating regime to include five smaller meals a day, rather than three larger meals. At first, the change didn't make sense to Kathy. Eat more to weigh less?

But with her trust in her counselor, Kathy gave it a shot. She ate smaller meals of chicken, fish, vegetables, and fruits.

Soon, she started to see the pounds disappear. To date, she has lost 125 pounds and hopes to keep losing. Now at 163, she surpassed her initial goal weight of 200 pounds, and is very close to reaching her new goal weight, 150.

With nearly half her weight gone, Kathy is starting a new with a clean slate. She is more active now, and uses her treadmill and gliding machine for 30 minutes a day, six days a week.

Kathy continues to eat five meals a day, because she sees how the simple plan has drastically changed her life for the better. L A Weight Loss taught her eating right and losing weight requires portion control and conscious food choices. Add in some perseverance and persistence, and you've got a winning combo!

Kathy is also an avid fan of the L A Lite cookbook, and uses it daily. She recently started using ControlTrim too, and likes it very much.

Keep up the great work, Kathy!

Here is Kathy at 288 pounds in February 2006:

And here she is today, at 163. Wow, what a transformation! Congrats, Kathy!

Name: Kathy Bracher
Hometown: Cottage Grove, Minn.
Age: 61
Height: 5'5"

Starting weight: 288
Goal weight: 150
Current weight: 163
Program start date: February 2006

Favorite food: Pumpkin pie from the L A Lite cookbook.

Biggest temptation: Brownies.

Biggest motivator: Going to her L A Weight Loss center three times a week.

Biggest obstacle: Working through the plateaus.

Old eating philosophy: Ignoring portions and eating whatever she wanted.

New eating philosophy: Eating five smaller meals a day.

Best thing about losing weight: Liking herself more.

Best weight loss secret learned: Don’t call it a diet. It’s a lifestyle change for the better!

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