My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Friday, September 07, 2007

Tennessee mom drops the baby ...

... er, weight that is.

The average weight of a newborn baby is 7.5 pounds. The average weight a mother needs to gain for a healthy baby is 20 to 30 pounds. But once baby is born, many mothers find it difficult to lose that extra 20, 30, or 40 pounds they packed on over the previous nine months.

Take Jeanette Henderson. She never struggled with her weight until she became a mom. With each of her four pregnancies, Jeanette found it impossible to shed the extra weight. By the time she gave birth to her fourth child, she had gained 40 pounds she just couldn't shake.

To make matters worse, Jeanette constantly snacked with her kids. Her diet consisted of large portions, a lot of starches, and too much fried and junk food. And whenever she became depressed about her weight, Jeanette only ate more.

She knew she wanted to lose weight, but didn't know how. Jeanette tried a number of different diets that didn't stick, causing her weight to yo-yo. Then her two closest friends each lost 100 pounds on L A Weight Loss. Jeanette became determined to make it work for her, too.

Working closely with her personal weight loss counselors from her local Hermitage, Tenn., L A Weight Loss center, Jeanette transformed her diet. She replaced her usual unhealthy habits with more fruits and vegetables, and more steamed and baked dinners, rather than fried. Jeanette also loved L A Weight Loss food options, such as L A Lite bars and Slim Downs.

Since starting her L A Weight Loss program, Jeanette lost 31 pounds -- one pound more than her goal weight! Her self-esteem and confidence are soaring. Plus, Jeanette's busy schedule doesn't wear her out any more, and she has plenty of energy left to exercise.

In fact, Jeanette is so happy with her weight loss results, she's trying to convince her husband to join the program! Now that's what I call spreading the good word. Way to go, Jeanette!

Here's a 160-pound Jeanette before L A Weight Loss:

And here she is 31 pounds later! WOW!


Name: Jeanette Henderson
Hometown: Hermitage, Tenn.
Age: 42
Height: 5'3"

Starting weight: 160 pounds
Goal weight: 130 pounds
Current weight: 129 pounds
Program start date: July 2006

Favorite food: Turkey tacos.

Biggest temptation: Mexican food.

Biggest motivator: Knowing the plan works.

Biggest obstacle: Admitting she needed to lose the weight.

Old eating philosophy: Paying little attention to portion control.

New eating philosophy: Learning portion control.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling great about herself.

Best weight loss secret learned: Eat six times a day, don't starve yourself, and drink water.

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