My L A Weight Loss Diary

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Monday, September 17, 2007

Weight loss all in the family for N.D. father and daughter

Weight gain is sneaky. It creeps up on you slowly, until one day you realize your clothes don't fit right, or you're constantly out of breath, or you just don't look the same.

For Patsy Haire and her father, LaVern Michalenko, weight gain snuck up on them through the years. Patsy began gaining weight during her two pregnancies, 75 pounds after her first, and 15 after her second. She couldn't shed the extra pounds.

LaVern's weight began to increase later in his life. While his lifestyle naturally slowed with his age, his eating increased.

By 2006, Patsy weighed 270 pounds and LaVern was a hefty 340 pounds. They tried several diet plans, but neither learned how to maintain a proper eating routine. The weight stayed on.

After a number of foot and knee surgeries, Patsy struggled through physical therapy, and her extra weight made walking even more difficult. She needed a cane to get around, and was constantly tired. Her doctor told her that her knee would never heal properly while supporting so much weight. Patsy knew she needed to change.

On Sept. 11, 2006, she walked in to her local Minot, N.D., L A Weight Loss center, determined to shed the years of extra weight. Patsy worked closely with her one-on-one counselor to create a balanced, healthy diet.

She cut out fried foods, and instead ate plenty of lean chicken, pork, grilled vegetables, and fresh fruits. Visiting the center three times a week made Patsy accountable for what she ate, and taught her the importance of portion control.

Meanwhile, LaVern was still struggling with being overweight. He was frustrated with his health, and was constantly short of breath and fatigued. But Patsy, already seeing results with L A Weight Loss after just two months, convinced LaVern to join the program too.

Now, father and daughter enjoy cooking meals together by combining the lessons of portion control and nutrition they learned at L A Weight Loss. And they have seen lasting results.

Patsy has lost 74 pounds, and is 196. And LaVern has shed 70 pounds, and weighs 270. Both are getting closer every day to their weight loss goals.

Life has become easier for this father-daughter weight loss duo. LaVern enjoys how much simpler daily tasks, such as getting dressed and taking a shower, have become.

And Patsy's decreased weight made her foot recovery easier. She no longer needs a cane for support. And difficult tasks, such as tying her shoes and standing up from chairs, are now a cinch.

The best part about losing weight for Patsy and LaVern? The constant compliments they receive from friends and family. Everyone is amazed at how good they look, and are proud that both father and daughter stuck with the program.

No wonder this dynamic duo is enjoying new levels of confidence and happiness! Way to go, you two!

Here's LaVern before, lugging lots of extra pounds at 340 pounds:

And here's the 270-pound Patsy before L A Weight Loss:

Here's the fit family now. LaVern, looking much improved at 270:

And Patsy, now at 196. Great job, guys! Keep up the fantastic work!


Name: LaVern Michalenko
Hometown: Minot, N.D.
Age: 76
Height: 6'6"

Starting weight: 340 pounds
Goal weight: 240 pounds
Current weight: 270 pounds
Program start date: November 2006

Favorite food: Macaroni and mashed potatoes.

Biggest temptation: Sweets.

Biggest motivator: Getting support from the counselors and nutrition experts at L A Weight Loss.

Biggest obstacle: Going to parties at friends' and family's houses.

Old eating philosophy: Eating all the time.

New eating philosophy: Eating the right portions of healthy foods.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling and looking much better.

Best weight loss secret learned: Measure your food.

Name: Patsy Haire
Hometown: Minot, N.D.
Age: 52
Height: 5'9"

Starting weight: 270 pounds
Goal weight: 180 pounds
Current weight: 196 pounds
Program start date: September 2006

Favorite food: Pork chops.

Biggest temptation: Sweets.

Biggest motivator: Getting guidance from the L A Weight Loss counselors.

Biggest obstacle: Going out to eat.

Old eating philosophy: Indulging constantly.

New eating philosophy: Having the right portions of the right foods.

Best thing about losing weight: Buying new clothes.

Best weight loss secret learned: Watch what foods you buy.

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