My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Amanda Rekkedal takes fresh approach to weight loss -- literally

Are you struggling to drop the pounds? What you might need is a fresh approach to weight loss, just like Amanda Rekkedal took.

Amanda always had an average build, until she gave birth to her son, Anthony, at age 22. She gained 35 pounds of baby weight. She was also going through relationship trouble at the time, and didn't have much chance to shed the pounds.

She was also depressed, and food became her diversion. Amanda ate a lot of fast food, pizza, pre-packaged meals, and snacks. She didn't eat breakfast, and instead consumed a lot of food at night. Plus, soda was always in hand, helping her push her weight to 213 pounds.

Worse, Amanda's blood pressure was creeping up. She was always tired, with little energy to go out or play with her son. Amanda knew she was unhealthy, and felt bad about herself as a result.

She then tried a weight loss program, but didn't like counting calories. Plus, the weight was coming off too slow. She soon gave it up. Amanda needed a new approach.

Meanwhile, a friend recently joined L A Weight Loss and was having success. Amanda thought, "If he can do it, so can I. So she signed up.

But her fresh approach to weight loss was about to get even fresher. Amanda worked with the personal weight loss counselors and nutrition experts to nix pre-packaged meals from her diet, and incorporate all fresh foods, including fish, chicken, steak, vegetables, and fruit.

She supplemented her weight loss with L A Lite bars, and other healthy foods the program offered, including smoothies, cookies, and snacks. Amanda also stopped cooking foods in butter and oil, and used Pam instead. Plus, she added new flavor to her foods with fresh herbs and spices.

Amanda liked how she could choose from a variety of foods to lose weight. And her personal weight loss counselors were always there to help her. She loved being able to pick up the phone and call L A Weight Loss for instant advice.

As the pounds dropped, so did Amanda's blood pressure. She started gaining her energy back, and became more motivated to stick with the L A Weight Loss program.

Amanda is now 71 pounds lighter, weighing 142 pounds! She's more active with her son, and takes him to the pool and bike riding. Amanda is also more comfortable going to the gym and working out in public. And she celebrates her new figure by going shopping!

Best of all, Amanda is in a new, supportive relationship. She feels she's a better mom, and overall, a happier and healthier woman. Great job, Amanda!!

This is Amanda before, wallowing at 213 pounds:

And here she is today at a slim 142 pounds. Way to go, Amanda!


Name: Amanda Rekkedal
Hometown: Minot, N.D.
Age: 28
Height: 5'7"

Starting weight: 213 pounds
Goal weight: 144 pounds
Current weight: 142 pounds
Program start date: December 2006

Favorite food: Anything with chicken.

Biggest temptation: Pizza.

Biggest motivator: Becoming healthier.

Biggest obstacle: Avoiding temptations.

Old eating philosophy: Eating anything that was quicker to prepare.

New eating philosophy: Enjoying fresher foods.

Best thing about losing weight: Looking and feeling better.

Best weight loss secret learned: Variety keeps your metabolism going!

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