My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weight loss is good for the Sole

Family photos often make us smile over memories of holidays, birthdays, and special events. But no one wants their photos to point out how overweight they are.

Sole Baker didn't find family picture time enjoyable at all. She had struggled with her weight most of her life. Growing up, her sister seemed to eat anything she wanted, and still maintain a petite size 0 frame. Yet whenever Sole indulged, the pounds piled on.

Having children only made watching her figure more difficult. Sole gained weight during her two pregnancies, and found herself too busy caring for her two young sons to diet.

At 5'2" and 174 pounds, Sole knew she could stand to lose weight. She was always out of breath, and lacking energy. It was difficult for Sole to play with her kids, and she didn't like going out.

Worse, when she was with her friends, Sole always felt like "the fat one." Shopping was a burden. And she felt out of place at work, where there was a big emphasis on high-end clothing. Instead, she stuck to her corner of the office.

Then, in May 2005, Sole saw a family photograph where it looked as if she took up half the frame. That was the last straw. Sole decided once and for all the extra pounds had to go.

Two days after first seeing the picture, Sole entered her local L A Weight Loss Center in Pueblo, Colo. There, she worked diligently with her personal L A Weight Loss counselors, who kept her on track and accountable for what she ate.

Sole learned the importance of portion control, and transformed her diet. Soon, she was eating a lot of lean meats, vegetables, and fruits. Sole also changed the way she cooked. She stopped using oils and butter, and relied on salt substitutes for lower sodium. And instead of going out for Mexican food -- her favorite -- she made healthier Mexican alternatives at home.

Since joining L A Weight Loss, Sole dropped 39 pounds!! Now at her goal weight, Sole feels like all her relationships have improved. She has the energy to play with her kids, and takes them out more often. She also feels more comfortable and confident with her husband.

Plus, Sole is no longer jealous of her sister's slender form, and instead celebrates her own curves. Even better, she loves going out with her friends now. Shopping is fun again! And she sports all the latest fashions at work.

The best part? Sole is so much happier in her own life, she can't help but encourage others to improve their lives too. Case in point: Her results with L A Weight Loss convinced her brother to join the program! Way to go, Sole!

Here's Sole before she began L A Weight Loss at 174 pounds:

Here she is now, 39 pounds lighter and looking awesome!


Name: Sole Baker
Hometown: Pueblo, Colo.
Age: 27
Height: 5'2"

Starting weight: 174 pounds
Goal weight: 135 pounds
Current weight: 135 pounds
Program start date: May 2005

Favorite food: Italian and Mexican.

Biggest temptation: Dining on McDonald's with the kids.

Biggest motivator: Looking as good as her sister.

Biggest obstacle: Going to her mother-in-law's house who is Italian and loves to cook.

Old eating philosophy: Eating what she wants today, and worrying about it tomorrow.

New eating philosophy: Eating what she wants as long as it's healthy.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling great and looking better.

Best weight loss secret learned: Eat lots of fresh vegetables, and cut back on the salt.

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