My L A Weight Loss Diary

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Brenda Russell finds happiness in a smaller size

Finding someone who loves you unconditionally is one of life's greatest joys. But what happens when that love affects your health? Ask Brenda Russell.

Brenda never struggled with her weight until she gave birth to her son. She was 77 pounds heavier after her pregnancy, and staying at home with her son only gave her more time to eat.

Brenda eventually lost the baby weight. But after a painful split from her husband, she gained it all back. Years went by, and Brenda just couldn't drop the extra pounds.

Her eating habits didn't help. Brenda began each day with a large bowl of macaroni and cheese. Lunch was almost always McDonald's. Dinner meant more fried foods, mashed potatoes, and plenty of butter. She snacked on chips and cookies in between meals.

When Brenda remarried, her husband said he loved her for who she was. So at 227 pounds, Brenda still wasn't worried about her weight ... until her health started to suffer.

Brenda developed asthma, and her feet were constantly aching. Plus, diabetes ran in her family. When Brenda's mother had an obesity-induced stroke, Brenda knew it was time to do something about her own weight.

In May 2006, Brenda joined her local San Angelo, Texas, L A Weight Loss center. She worked with her one-on-one weight loss counselors, who helped her get her diet in line.

Brenda cut out her fast and fried food fixes, and replaced them with baked and grilled meats, vegetables, fruit, and plenty of water. Instead of chowing down on fatty red meats, Brenda opted for chicken or turkey.

Brenda quickly discovered that these lifestyle adjustments made a huge difference. After less than two years on the program, she's shed 90 pounds! At 137 pounds, Brenda does things she never would have dreamed of when she was heavier, like walking in a bathing suit, and shopping for cute clothes.

Plus, Brenda's husband loves to hike. And for the first time ever, Brenda can join him on his outdoor excursions. They're able to do more together and have grown even closer.

Brenda loves the way she looks now. She's much happier with her smaller size, and her confidence has improved greatly. Way to go, Brenda!

Here's Brenda at 227 pounds:

And here she is today at a healthy 137 pounds. You look 10 years younger, Brenda! Way to go!


Name: Brenda Russell
Hometown: San Angelo, Texas
Age: 44
Height: 5'2"

Starting weight: 227 pounds
Goal weight: 137 pounds
Current weight: 137 pounds
Program start date: May 2006

Favorite food: French fries.

Biggest temptation: Pizza.

Biggest motivator: Watching her body transform.

Biggest obstacle: Eating well when having other people's cooking.

Old eating philosophy: Eating it if it's there.

New eating philosophy: Eating until she's comfortable, then saving the rest.

Best thing about losing weight: Being able to play with her grandkids without getting winded.

Best weight loss secret learned: You can eat healthy and still enjoy you food.

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