My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Friday, September 26, 2008

Arizona mom breaks the weight gain chain

Many men and women don't realize they need to lose weight until the suffer the actual physical effects of obesity, such as high blood pressure, sore joints, or diabetes. Terrie Lemesh, however, was relatively healthy; it was her mother's weight-related health problems that really inspired her to get healthy.

Terrie ran a childcare program from her home, which was detrimental to her diet. Every time she fed the kids, she ate too, whether it was macaroni and cheese, hot dogs, or snacks. Then she'd have dinner on top of that.

At 227 pounds, Terrie had trouble keeping up with her kids. Her knees ached and she had shin splints. Her mother was overweight, and had suffered from a heart attack at an early age. Terrie knew she should get healthy before it was too late.

She wanted to lose weight, but wasn't sure how. Terrie dieted for months without results. Her doctor suggested she choose one diet, and stick with it.

So Terrie decided to give L A Weight Loss a try. She joined her local Avondale, Ariz., L A Weight Loss center and was paired up with a personal weight loss counselor, Cindy.

Cindy taught Terrie the ABC's of dieting success, and what she should and should not be eating. Terrie added lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to her diet, which she rarely ate before. She also added lean meats and other important proteins.

Terrie now resists the urge to grab a forkful of macaroni and cheese, and instead waits for her own dinner of whole wheat pasta. When she craves a sweet treat, she grabs an L A Lite bar, which satisfies her chocolate need.

It wasn't long before Terrie's weight started to drop, and her energy started to rise. Since she was getting around easier, she started exercising. Now, Terrie enjoys biking, hiking, and going to the gym.

Most of all, she enjoys all the new time she can spend with her family. Terrie also loves being able to shop in any store she wants. And for the first time in over a decade, she can fit into all the cute clothes.

After a year and half on the program, Terrie now weighs 140 pounds. Her self esteem has sky rocketed, and she's healthier than she's been in years. Terrie wants to be healthy for life, and is proud that she broke the family weight gain chain. Way to go, Terrie! We're proud of you!

Here's Terrie at 227 pounds with her husband:

And here she is today, looking fantastic at 140 pounds:


Name: Terrie Lemesh
Hometown: Phoenix, Ariz.
Age: 36
Height: 5'4"

Starting weight: 227 pounds
Goal weight: 140 pounds
Current weight: 87 pounds
Program start date: March 2007

Favorite food: Pizza.

Biggest temptation: Chocolate.

Biggest motivator: Fitting into smaller clothes.

Biggest obstacle: Getting out and working out.

Old eating philosophy: Overeating.

New eating philosophy: Becoming a health nut.

Best thing about losing weight: Being healthy, buying the clothes she wants, and having more family time.

Best weight loss secret learned: Watch what you're eating even with healthy food. Keep track of everything.

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