My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Friday, December 01, 2006

Three quarts of water a day makes the weight go away

Kristy Robb used food as therapy her whole life, indulging in cake, ice cream, and other sweets whenever she felt blue. Soon, however, her childhood chubbiness turned into adult obesity. She was always short of breath, and faced chronic pain.

On a trip to Yellowstone National Park, she could barely keep up on the 2-mile trail, slowing down the entire group. And at only age 44, she was tipping the scales at 309 lbs. Kristy knew she had to make a change, or face deadly consequences.

Kristy tried losing weight on her own, but ultimately joined L A Weight Loss for the extra help. Meeting with her counselor once a week, and writing in her food diary, kept her accountable for all her meal choices.

Plus, she loved how easy it was to prepare and eat normal foods, while still indulging her occasional sweet tooth. The amazing part is that Kristy hit her goal weight of 150 lbs. after only one year! Yellowstone, here she comes!

What a difference a year makes. Here she is in 2004 at 309 lbs.:

And in 2005, at a healthy 150 lbs.



Name: Kristy Robb
Hometown: Idaho Falls, Idaho.
Age: 45

Starting weight: 309 pounds
Goal weight: 150 pounds
Current weight: 142 pounds
Program start date: September 2004

Favorite foods: Chocolate, peanut butter, ice cream.

Biggest motivator: Fear of obesity’s health issues, such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and death.

Biggest obstacle: Emotional eating.

Old eating philosophy: Food was a comfort zone, which led to overeating and poor portion control.

New eating philosophy: Eat normal foods and the occasional treat at home. Get everything your body needs from the different food groups. And don't forget about portion control.

Best thing about losing weight: It changed the way she thinks and feels about food, and gave her a new life as a slender, healthy person.

Best weight loss secret learned: Drink at least 8 glasses of water a day (she drinks 3 quarts).

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