My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Friday, July 25, 2008

Jorge Harris saves his sweat for the gym

It's safe to say that everyone knows how it feels to sweat. It is the middle of the summer, after all. But for Jorge Harris, uncomfortable sweating wasn't something reserved for the hot summer time weather.

Jorge had a problem with his weight for most of his life. At 267 pounds, he was hot, uncomfortable, and sweating all the time. Physical activity was tough for him, and he didn't have the energy to spend time playing with his kids. He never felt comfortable doing things with his family, such as going to the beach.

Jorge also had high blood pressure and acid reflux disease, for which he needed daily medication. Besides his diagnosed medical problems, Jorge had a relative feeling of unhealthiness. He always felt sluggish.

But with Jorge's eating habits, it was no wonder his weight was so high. Jorge had an eating philosophy of "whatever, whenever." He often dined on fried and fast foods, and was constantly drinking sweet teas that are high in sugar and calories. He ate a lot of the bad stuff, but hardly any of the good stuff, such as fruits and vegetables.

So in July 2005, Jorge decided to get healthy. He joined his local Greensboro, N.C., L A Weight Loss Center. Working with a one-on-one weight loss counselor, Jorge learned how to maintain a proper diet.

He stopped eating so much fried food, and instead focused on including as many of the food groups as he could into his meals. He added fresh fruits and vegetables, and when he ate meat, it was lean. Jorge also added a lot of water to his diet. Sometimes, he even drinks up to 100 ounces a day.

With his new healthy diet in place, it didn't take long for Jorge to start losing weight. After one year on the program, he had lost 93 pounds, and weighed 174 pounds. Jorge has gone up a little since then, and at 185 pounds has re-entered the L A Weight Loss program. He now has a goal weight of 180 pounds. Almost there, Jorge!

Since losing almost 100 pounds, Jorge feels like a new man. He is more willing to go to the beach with his family, and he loves spending time playing with his kids. His lower weight gives him the energy to do more, so Jorge is always sure to take advantage.

He tries to exercise four times a week. The only times Jorge is sweating now is when he's playing golf, playing tennis, or jogging on the treadmill. Plus, his health has improved, and he no longer needs his high blood pressure meds.

Jorge's own impression of himself has greatly improved, and he no longer accepts himself as "the heavy guy." Best of all, he feels more alive. Jorge doesn't even like to sit still anymore. Now that's what we call a life change. Way to go, Jorge!

Here's Jorge at 267 pounds:

And here is today it at a fitter and healthier 185 pounds:


Name: Jorge Harris
Hometown: Mebane, N.C.
Age: 39
Height: 5'9"

Starting weight: 267 pounds
Goal weight: 180 pounds
Current weight: 185 pounds
Program start date: July 2005

Favorite food: Fast food.

Biggest temptation: Fast food.

Biggest motivator: Feeling better.

Biggest obstacle: Curbing his eating habits.

Old eating philosophy: Eating whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted.

New eating philosophy: Including as many food groups as he can in his meals.

Best thing about losing weight: Feeling better physically.

Best weight loss secret learned: Even a small amount of exercise keeps your metabolism going.

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