My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wisconsin native hears motivation ringing in her wedding bells

Looking perfect on the big day is something that every bride dreams about. But as her wedding day approached, Mary Behnke couldn’t quite find that "beautiful bride" feeling.

Mary has been overweight since childhood. Since the fourth grade, her weight has consistently been 30 to 40 pounds above average. Her mother was overweight, and as she jokes now, living in Wisconsin meant eating a lot of cheese all the time.

But it wasn't just the cheese. Mary regularly dined on fast foods and anything else that was convenient. She went weeks without eating a fresh piece of fruit or vegetable.

And her unhealthy diet took a toll on her body. Mary had high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and a family history of diabetes and heart problems. But she suffered emotionally too. Mary was jealous of skinny girls she saw when she was out, and felt introverted, sluggish, and self-conscious.

When Mary got engaged, she couldn't find a dress that fit right. She tried on dress after dress, but couldn't find anything she liked. When she finally had to buy a plus-sized wedding dress, she was crushed. With a weight of 200 pounds, she knew she had to do something.

So in January 2006, Mary joined her local Menasha, Wisc., L A Weight Loss center. She was paired up with a one-on-one weight loss counselor who taught her the ins and outs of eating healthy.

Mary kicked her fast food habits to the curb, and stocked up on fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and proteins, and water. And the simple, healthy adjustments to her diet made a big difference.

During her year and a half on the program, Mary dropped 60 pounds, and currently weighs 140 pounds. She went from a size 18 to a size 6, just in time for the wedding. She had to buy another wedding dress, but it was well worthwhile.

Mary now has the attitude she once desired. She is outgoing, sociable, fun, and energetic. She can also do the things she couldn't before because her weight physically held her back. Mary loves being able to go out dancing. And when she goes out with her husband, Mary never gets jealous of the "cute" girls, because she is one! And all of her medical problems have disappeared.

Mary’s success inspired her mother and co-workers to join L A Weight Loss. They've already seen results, and hope to see more. Aside from encouraging others to get involved, Mary has gotten more involved with L A Weight Loss herself. She became a counselor, and is now manager of the Osh Kosh, Wisconsin center.

Keep up the positive attitude, Mary! Congratulations!

Here's Mary at 200 pounds in 2005:

And here she is today at a happy, healthy 140 pounds:


Name: Mary Behnke
Hometown: Menasha, Wisc.
Age: 27
Height: 5’6"

Starting weight: 200 pounds
Goal weight: 150 pounds
Current weight: 140 pounds
Program start date: January 2006

Favorite food: Chicken breast.

Biggest temptation: Pizza.

Biggest motivator: Slimming down for her wedding.

Biggest obstacle: Staying away from old patterns.

Old eating philosophy: Eating whatever, whenever.

New eating philosophy: Using food for fuel, not for comfort.

Best thing about losing weight: Having a much more positive attitude.

Best weight loss secret learned: If you fuel your body with the right foods and the right portions you really won’t be hungry.

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