My L A Weight Loss Diary

Daily musings for and about real women and men who are reshaping their bodies and their lives on the LA Weight Loss program. To become one of our bloggers, write to

Monday, September 29, 2008

Weight loss isn't just about the food

Most people don't realize that choosing healthy foods isn't the only way to lose weight. Often, a few simple routine changes can get you on your way to a healthier lifestyle and a slimmer waistline. Below are a few tips to get you healthy, without involving food.

Get some sleep. People who get even three more hours of sleep a week are more likely to weigh less. That's only 25 minutes a night. Try getting in to bed a half hour earlier than usual to sleep off the pounds.

Slow things down. It actually takes about 15 minutes for your brain to register a feeling of fullness. If you've already eaten your entire meal in that time period, you might not even realize that you overate, until it's too late!

Keep the good stuff out. You're more likely to go for a healthy snack when you're hungry if you've got that bowl of fruit sitting on the counter or the yogurt in front of the fridge. Make sure you're keeping the unhealthy snacks out of sight.

Don't overestimate. Many people believe they're more active then they truly are. To keep track and see if you're getting enough exercise, get a pedometer and see if you are truly getting the 10,000 daily recommended steps.

Make more me time. It's proven that people who eat together in large groups tend to consume more calories. Try having a healthy snack before you head to the party or happy hour to minimize what you take in.

Keep an eye on your roomie. Studies show people who live with someone overweight or obese are more likely to become that way themselves. Make sure you and your roommate are on the same path to health to keep each other on track.

Buy it big. People who wear tight clothing are more likely to feel like they've put on a few extra pounds. The feeling of failure when you work so hard tends to lead to unhealthy emotional eating. Make sure to buy reasonably sized clothing for the perfect fit.

Get in the sun. Obesity has been linked to those with low vitamin D. You don't want to be overexposed to the sun, but a mere 20 minutes of sunshine a day can greatly increase your levels of vitamin D.
